RICS is the world’s leading qualification when it comes to standards in land, property, and construction valuation. Professional membership of RICS entitles you to use the designation MRICS, an internationally recognized and respected mark of excellence and integrity.
RICS Americas, one of five world regions of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), oversees members and activities in North, South, and Central America and the Caribbean from its office in New York City.
RICS Americas oversees thousands of members working in the real estate appraisal environment. Its largest chapters operate in New York, Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, Kingston, and Port of Spain. Qualified RICS members – who span the real estate and construction professions, including development, research, construction management, investment, and consultancy – hold the MRICS (Member) or FRICS (Fellow) designation.
Much like the MAI or CFA or CPA designations, the RICS qualifications demonstrate the highest standards of education, professional training, and ethical conduct.
Professional Designations
Gary Lee Sapperstein holds the MAI, SRPA, and MRICS designation, an international designation recognized by many countries. When you see the MAI, SRPA, or MRICS designation, you can rest assured you are making the right choice.
The MAI designation is held by appraisers who are experienced in the valuation of commercial, industrial, residential, and other types of property and who advise clients on real estate decisions.
The SRPA designation is held by appraisers who are experienced in the valuation of commercial, industrial, residential, and other types of property.